24 Hour Hotline

We understand how lonely and scary an abusive situation can be, which is why we are here 24/7 to listen and help.

We understand how lonely and scary a sexual assault or ongoing abusive situation can be, which is why we are here 24/7 to listen and help. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Call 800-895-8476.
  2. Get connected with one of our helpful and supportive advocates.
  3. Begin receiving the information and support you deserve:
    • Crisis assistance
    • Safe housing
    • Safety planning
    • Request for accompaniment services to hospitals for Sexual Assault Forensic Exams, law enforcement agencies, district attorney’s offices, court proceedings, and other agencies or locations
    • Supporting someone experiencing intimate partner violence or sexual assault
    • Referrals and resources
    • Developing healthy relationships
    • Other relationship questions

Get Help Now: (800) 895-8476

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Sign up for a presentation or training today so you can increase your confidence in supporting those in need.

Access Resources

We offer a variety of safe, free and confidential services that give people guidance on how they can support those in need.


We have many volunteer opportunities for community members who are interested in donating their time to work in Catalyst’s programs.